Bible StoryBoards Could Have Told the Story of the Bible with Just 4 Pictures

When Bible StoryBoards was created we used 15 pictures to tell the bottom line story of the Bible. We could have actually made the story even shorter, with just 4 pictures:



Creation, Fall, Salvation, Restoration.

This super-condensed version of the story of the Bible would have gone something like this:

  1. God created human beings to love Him and each other. His desire was for mankind to multiply and enjoy the beauty of His perfect creation, forever!
  2. But we blew it. People sinned. The very first man & woman chose to disobey God and sin and its consequences entered the world. And people have continued to sin throughout the ages. The perfect world and life with God and each other was lost because of our sin.
  3. God sent Jesus to save us from our sins. Jesus made it possible for us to walk with God again in spite of our sin, both now and forever.
  4. One day God is going to push the reset button. Someday in the future life will be like God intended it to be from the beginning. No more sorrow. No more pain. No more tears. No more death. God will make a new heaven and a new earth for everyone who turns to Him for salvation through Jesus.

So why did we use 15 pictures instead of just four?

We used 15 pictures because we want to tell the story of the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. We want you to see how all the parts of the Bible fit together into that one story of God and man. And as you come to understand that story, you will see how God has relentlessly and lovingly pursued a relationship with us since the beginning of time as we know it.

Telling the simple story of the entire Bible is one of the unique features of Bible StoryBoards. Most people know some familiar stories from the Bible – Adam & Eve, Noah’s Ark, David & Goliath… but most people don’t know how all those stories fit together into the main story God wants everyone to know.

Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Uses 15 Pictures Because 4 Pictures Couldn’t Get the Job Done

It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you:

Know the Story

Be impacted by the Story

And share the Story with others

With 15 pictures


For more help in learning and sharing the story of the Bible, check out Bible Storyboards book or app  by clicking on the picture links below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards App
Bible StoryBoards App