The Beauty in This World Points Our Souls to the God Behind it All

Whether it’s beautiful flowers in a market or the strains of Vivaldi being played by an old man on a street corner, there are things in this world that direct us to the God who created it all for us to enjoy. Bible StoryBoards wants to help you understand who that God is through the simple story the Bible tells.

One of God's Many Gifts
One of God’s Many Gifts

The Story Of God And Man

Though the Bible is filled with many individual stories, there is actually one grand story woven through the entire Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.

Bible StoryBoards was created to help you understand that bottom line story of the Bible. And as the story unfolds, you’ll see why the beautiful things in this world point us to something bigger and greater.

15 StoryBoards Tell The Story

StoryBoard 1 (Genesis 1-2) tells how God created a perfect world for us to walk in with Him. StoryBoard 2 explains how our sin messed all of that up. The rest of the Bible goes on to tell the story of God’s plan to bring us back into a relationship with Him in spite of our sin.

The moments of beauty we see and hear and feel in this world are calling us back to the God who is waiting for us to turn to Him. Let Bible StoryBoards help you understand that story and the God behind it all. Buy it now and get started.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book




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