The Story of the Bible Shows Us What It Means to Walk With God

Bible StoryBoards takes you on a journey through the Bible that will help you see what it means to walk with God. As we follow the storyline, it’s easy to see what God had in mind when He created this world and us so we could walk in a loving relationship with Him. But it’s also easy to see that we haven’t done a very good job of going along with His plan.

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Over and over again throughout the centuries we have chosen to go our own way instead of following God. We’ve loved ourselves more than we’ve loved God and others. Yet in spite of our sin, over and over God has reached out to us with grace and forgiveness and love. But it’s up to each of us to turn back to Him and accept the relationship He is offering.

God’s plan from the beginning was for mankind to walk in this world loving Him and loving each other. That’s it. And as the story of God and man that’s told in the Bible unfolds, we see that His plan hasn’t changed. His desire has always been, and always will be, for us to walk in a loving relationship with Him. And the Bible shows us just how far He was willing to go to make that possible.

It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the bottom line of who God is and what it means to walk with Him.

Related: A Simple Walk With God