There are People All Around You Who Need to Know the Story of the Bible

Wherever you live, there are people who need to know what God has done for them through Jesus. That’s the story of the Bible. And that’s the story Bible StoryBoards wants to help you know and share.

Do Your Neighbors Know the Story of the Bible?
Do Your Neighbors Know the Story of the Bible?

The story the Bible tells…

  • begins with God creating this world and mankind
  • continues to the time we are living in now
  • and ends by telling about the day in the future when God will set everything right, forever, for all those who have chosen to follow Him

If you are a follower of Jesus, God wants you to tell others that story.

A two-step process:

  1. Live like Jesus among the lost world around you. Intentionally connect with others who are far from God. Build real friendships and let them see the love of God in your life through both words and deeds.
  1. Look for open doors to have spiritual conversations. Then make the most of those opportunities by sharing the story of the Bible and your own personal story of coming to know and walk with God.

Bible StoryBoards can help you know that story and then share it with others. With our 15 StoryBoards and the storyline that goes with them, you can easily tell the story in your own words as you flip through the pictures in our app on your phone.

Buy the book by clicking on the picture link below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book



Related Post: Bible StoryBoards Makes It Easy for Me to Help Others Understand the Bible