Heaven is More Than Just Floating on Clouds and Singing with Angels

Bible StoryBoards can help you understand what heaven is all about. With our 15 pictures and the story they tell, you will see that heaven is much more than playing harps with the angels.

Heaven Will Be Better Than You Can Imagine
Heaven Will Be Better Than You Can Imagine

This Is Amazing

With the 15 StoryBoards found in our book and app we tell the bottom line story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. StoryBoard 1 talks about how God created this world and everyone and everything in it because He loves us and wants to walk through the world with us.

But StoryBoard 2 explains how people turned away from God. Because of sin, the perfect world God wanted to share with us became a fallen world filled with pain and sorrow.

God Hasn’t Given Up

StoryBoards 3 – 14 share the amazing story of God’s plan to make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins so we can walk with Him again. It’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.

StoryBoard 15 is called New Beginnings. This era in biblical history is still in the future. When that day comes, God will create a new heaven and a new earth. And everyone who has chosen to accept God’s gift of life through Jesus will walk with God there in that perfect world, just like God intended from the beginning.

The Best Is Yet to Come

When you think about the best things in this world, the new world God will create for us in the future will be all that… and more.


You can buy the Bible StoryBoards book or app by clicking on the picture links below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards App
Bible StoryBoards App




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