How Do We Share the Gospel in a Postmodern World?

Two thousand years ago Jesus told His followers to go out into the world and share the gospel – the good news of what He did for us through His death and resurrection. And that command still applies to those of us who are following Him today in the 21st century.

But the world is very different today than it was 2,000 years ago. It’s very different than it was just twenty years ago! So how do we share that life-changing story with the postmodern world that we now live in?

Bible StoryBoards is a tool to help you do that. With 15 simple pictures you can know and share the amazing story that is found in the Bible – the story of God’s love for us and His relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.


It’s kind of like pictures from a vacation. When you get back from a trip and you want to tell your friends about it, you show them the pictures you took. Those pictures help you remember what you did and make it easy to tell them about it.

In a similar way, with 15 simple pictures we want to help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. And once you understand the amazing story of God’s love that’s told in the Bible, you can then use those pictures to tell others about it.

Bible StoryBoards is available in a variety of formats. The website provides the 15 pictures and the simple storyline that goes with each picture. The book and IOS app (Android coming soon!) contain all the content from the website, plus a more detailed “Digging Deeper” storyline for each picture, along with devotional content to help you apply this amazing story of God’s love to your own life. The app also makes it very easy to share those pictures with others anywhere at anytime.

Other resources are also available through the website including:

  • Bible StoryBoards for Churches
  • Bible StoryBoards for Families
  • Bible StoryBoards for Groups
  • Flash cards
  • And more…

It is our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the depth of God’s love for you and that you will then share that great news with others.