In the Story of the Bible We See God Give Us Power Through His Spirit

The story of God and man that is woven through the Bible teaches us about the power that is available to us through the Holy Spirit. Bible StoryBoards can help you understand that story so you will have a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is and how He connects with your life.

The Holy Spirit Gives Us Power
The Holy Spirit Gives Us Power

We’ve divided the story the Bible tells – from Genesis to Revelation – into 15 StoryBoards. Together these 15 pictures and the simple storyline that goes with them will take you through the bottom line story of the Bible.

In the first part of the story, that covers 4,000+ years, (StoryBoards 1-12) the Holy Spirit was given to specific people for a specific purpose for a specific amount of time.

But in StoryBoard 13 everything changed as we see that:

  • Ever since Jesus went back to heaven after His resurrection, the Holy Spirit has come to live inside everyone who accepts God’s gift of forgiveness through Christ.
  • He gives His followers guidance and comfort and power to walk with God in the midst of this fallen world.

Learn the whole story by reading Bible StoryBoards. Then share the story with others who need to know by simply flipping through our 15 pictures on your phone as you tell the story in your own words.

Buy the book or app by clicking on the picture below.

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Bible StoryBoards Book
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