You Can Share the Gospel by Simply Throwing a Party

God wants Christians to build relationships with people who don’t know Him yet, so we can show them His love and tell them the story the Bible tells about what God has done for all of us. Throwing parties is a great way to build those relationships. And Bible StoryBoards is a great tool to help you share the story of the Bible when the opportunity comes along.

Guys Night in the Backyard
Guys Night in the Backyard

With 15 pictures, Bible StoryBoards teaches the story of God and man that the Bible tells. Once you are familiar with the storyline, it becomes a tool to help you share that story with others by simply flipping through the pictures on your phone.

Build Relationships

But before you can share that story, you need to have relationships with people who need to know it.

Watch for opportunities to connect with people around you – at work, at school, in the gym, at your local coffee shop. Then as random relationships begin to grow, a fun way to deepen those relationships is to simply throw parties. Invite a wide variety of people and make it a fun time together with no agenda other than to get to know each other.

Any Excuse For a Party Will Do!

Find a theme that works for you:

  • A holiday theme – An Easter brunch, a Christmas open house, a fancy New Years Eve dinner, a 4th of July BBQ
  • First Day of Fall… or Winter, or Spring, or Summer
  • A Murder Mystery Dinner
  • A Simple Potluck and Game night

And then just do it.

Let Bible StoryBoards help you share the story of the Bible with those you are building relationships with.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards 15 Day Primer

Related Post: Ready to Tell the Story of the Bible When the Opportunity Arises