The Story of the Bible Helps You Learn to See God in Unexpected Places

When you understand the simple story of God and man that the Bible tells, you are more likely to see God in unexpected places in your day-to-day life. Bible StoryBoards was created to help you understand that story, and when you do you’ll be more aware of God’s work all around you.

Field of Flowers
God’s Work on Display for All to See

Bible StoryBoards tells the bottom line story of the Bible with 15 pictures and the storyline that goes with them. It’s the amazing story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us.

As the story unfolds, you will learn a lot about who God is and what He has done for us, and continues to do for us. You’ll also see many ways that He has revealed Himself throughout biblical history. And you’ll begin to see His work in the world around you:

  • Wildflowers growing along the side of a road
  • The sun setting over the ocean
  • A toddler’s smile
  • Unexpected kindness from a stranger

To learn the simple storyline of the Bible and see God at work in the world throughout biblical history, buy Bible StoryBoards now. Then the next time you catch a glimpse of God’s work around you, stop and tell Him “I see you.”

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book




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