Though Good Friday is About Death, It’s Also About Life and Love

Bible StoryBoards can help you understand the bottom line story of the Bible. And when you understand that story, you will see that the events of Good Friday are about so much more than just a death on a cross.

Jesus Paid the Price for Our Sin
Jesus Paid the Price for Our Sin

God created this world and us so we could walk with Him and each other in loving relationships. But all of that changed when we chose to go our own way instead of following God’s ways. But God’s love for us continued in spite of our sin and He set in motion a plan to bring us back into a relationship with Him.

God promised that He would send a savior who would make it possible for us to walk with God again, forever. Jesus’ death on the cross did for us what we could not do on our own. He paid the price for our sin.

Now we have a choice to make. Because of God’s love, He now offers us the gift of life through Jesus’ death for us. All we have to do is believe and accept His forgiveness and grace. But it’s our choice to accept that gift, or not.

It’s our hope that Bible StoryBoards will help you understand the amazing love that God has for you as you see it demonstrated through the history of God and man. And may you come to see that Jesus’ death on that cross shows the depth of His love for you, and offers you life.

Learn more today. Check out our Bible StoryBoards book by clicking on the picture link below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book




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