God Offers Help For the Journey of Life If We’ll Just Let Him Lead

Life can be really hard sometimes, but God offers His help. We want to help you see what it takes to receive that help, by explaining the bottom line story of the Bible. And once you understand that story, you will clearly see the help God is offering you and what He expects from you in return.

You Enjoying the Ride God's Giving You?
You Willing to Go on the Ride of Your Life?

Free to Choose

The bottom line story of the Bible explains that God created this world and us so He could have a relationship with us. But He gave us the freedom to choose if we want to follow Him or not. Throughout history we see that men have had a hard time with that choice. More often than not, we choose to go our own way. But history also makes it clear that when we go our own way, we end up getting into trouble.

If You Love Me, Do This

In Bible StoryBoards you will see that even when we turn away from God, He is waiting for us to turn back to Him. And when we do, He offers grace and forgiveness and help. All He asks of us is that we love Him and that we love each other. And the way we show our love for Him is by following Him.

Worth Your Trust

If you want God to help you make it through this world, follow His leading. He created us. He knows what’s best for us. And when we trust Him to guide our lives, we can sit back and simply go where He takes us.

Our book, Bible StoryBoards, will help you learn more. You can purchase it by clicking on the picture link below. 

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book




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