Help For Those Who Don’t Understand What the Bible is All About

If the Bible confuses you and you’re having a hard time clearly seeing what it’s all about, we can help. As you read through Bible StoryBoards you will discover the simple story that is told in the Bible.

Is The Bible a Blur to You?
Is The Bible a Blur to You?

An Unsolved Mystery

For many people the Bible is a mysterious book filled with random stories, strange characters, odd rules & rituals, and mind-boggling miracles. They see it as a jumbled mix of history & poetry & letters. Others are familiar with many of the well-known Bible stories, but they don’t have a clear picture of how they all fit together.

A Life Changing Discovery

With our 15 StoryBoards we will take you on a journey through the Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. Along the way, we will focus on the simple bottom line story that God wants you to know. And as the story unfolds before you, you will clearly see the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. And once you understand that story, all the individual parts of the Bible will fall into place and finally make sense.

A Story that Must Be Shared

It’s our hope that our Bible StoryBoards books and app will help you come to understand the amazing story of God’s love that is told in the Bible. And that you will then use the 15 pictures to tell others the story too!

You can buy the Bible StoryBoards books by clicking on the picture links below.

Bible StoryBoards Book
Bible StoryBoards Book

God’s Life-Giving Story booklet

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards