I don’t take a lot of pictures when our family is away on vacation. I don’t have to. Every other member of our family has the picture-taking thing covered.
But I love the pictures they take – especially the ones that include me. Not because I look so great, but because I’m so thankful I’m a part of the story each picture tells. It’s a snapshot of something we did on vacation together: sometimes very meaningful things and other times bad experiences (like the time I fell off the dock!) that we laugh about later. Our pictures tell a story that we want to remember forever.
Yesterday our family got back from a week of vacation. Here are just a few pictures that tell the story of our family vacation in Montana…

If you take pictures on vacations, you know how this goes. You could go on and on and on telling people all you did on your vacation as you show them the pictures. How much fun it was. All the things you did. How you wish your time away could have lasted longer.
Pictures, Vacations, and Stories Go Hand-in-Hand
It’s the same with Bible StoryBoards. We use 15 Pictures to explain the greatest love story ever told – the story of God’s relentless pursuit of a relationship with us. And once you understand the storyline, we make it easy for you to use the pictures in our app to share the story with others. And while looking at someone else’s vacation photos and hearing about their trip is fun and interesting, hearing the story of God and man that the Bible tells can change someone’s life, forever.
Here’s a sample of three of the pictures:
This is StoryBoard 2. Most people will recognize what this picture represents. It reminds us of Adam and Eve’s sinful disobedience and the day sin and death entered the world. What’s amazing is that God didn’t kill them on the spot. Instead, He showed them mercy. Not because they deserved it, but because He is a God of grace and love. He offers the same kind of grace and love to us when we turn our backs on God.
This is StoryBoard 8. It reminds us of the time in history when forty-two consecutive kings led God’s people. Unfortunately only eight of them were good kings. The rest led the people away from God and things went badly. This 400 year period of time was filled with the good, the bad, and the ugly. But through it all because of God’s love He did not give up on His people. That same unconditional love is ours today too.
This may look like a preschool drawing, but don’t let the simplicity of it mislead you. This is StoryBoard 14 which focuses on our responsibility to make disciples. It’s the thing Jesus asked His followers to commit their lives to. God wants everyone to know what He has done for us through Jesus and to come into a personal relationship with Him. So He asks us to go and tell the story of the Bible to others, who will tell others….
Every StoryBoard Tells a Story
Every Bible StoryBoard picture tells a story. Just like your vacation pictures.
If you can remember a vacation or holiday by looking at the pictures, you can do the same by knowing and sharing the story of the Bible with others with 15 simple pictures. But with this story, lives could be changed, forever. Now that’s more than enough reason to share these pictures and their story with others. Check our Bible StoryBoards today. Our book or app can help you get started. Simply click on the picture link below.

Related Post: The Top Five Ways I’ve Already Benefited from Bible StoryBoards